以前上歷史系時 似乎沒有聽過這個史詩
Ancient Mesopotamia for Kids
The Legend of Gilgamesh The First Superhero
宇宙學(或宇宙論)譯自英文之「Cosmology」,這個詞源自於希臘文的κοσμολογία(cosmologia, κόσμος (cosmos) order + λογια (logia) discourse)。宇宙學是對宇宙整體的研究,並且延伸探討至人類在宇宙中的地位。雖然宇宙學這個詞是最近才有的,人們對宇宙的研究已經有很長的一段歷史,牽涉到科學、哲學、神秘學以及宗教。
Worship and Sacrifice
A prayer to the god Enlil.The pagan Mesopotamians venerated images of their gods, which it was believed actually held the essence or personality of the deity that they represented; this is evident from the poem How Erra Wrecked the World, in which Erra deceived the god Marduk into leaving his cult statue.
A number of written prayers have survived from ancient Mesopotamia, each of which typically exalt the god that they are describing above all others. The historian J. Bottéro stated that these poems display "extreme reverence, profound devotion, [and] the unarguable emotion that the supernatural evoked in the hearts of those ancient believers" but that they showed a people who were scared of their gods rather than openly celebrating them.
Magic and witchcraft
In parts of Mesopotamian religion, magic was believed in and actively practiced. At the city of Uruk, archaeologists have excavated houses dating from the 5th and 4th centuries BCE in which cuneiform clay tablets have been unearthed containing magical incantations咒語
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