

Today I went to my daughter's Chinese school to be a room mother. I helped with cleaning the floor and switched the lights on and off when the insturctor was showing some film clips.

I spent some time watching the absent-minded kids chatting among themselves and could not help but to stop them one or two times. We watched a film about a Chinese monk going to set up a branch of Buddhism in Japan during Tang dynasty. Maybe I will use a piece of paper instead of talking to them. Maybe it was not so bad anyway.

Then they played a game blind-folding outdoors and I took photos. Usually this kind of game makes kids happy.

But I thought of dropping my daughter from the school because I felt it was not very well-structured and with some kids obstructing the classroom...She looked so alone in this class. No friends.

My daughter said she liked the substitute.

I wrote my memoir with my hubby's help. I like it. I am recalling more things from the past.

I felt the need to do something for fun, so I suggested to have stinky tofu in Milpitas. We went to Borders bookstore first. I visited my favorite section which is the notebooks.

Then we left for the restaurant. I ate too much with an extra order of ice with red bean. I am still feeling overstuffed and sick. I felt a loss and lonely. After finishing the moving, we are back to the old lifestyle. Most of time, we are on the computer and the only fun is to eat out and watch DVDs, and bookstores and libraries. I want to have a change. The sunset was so beautiful.

John still have not got any interveiws and our house has no tenants. I feel depressed now.
